Legal information

Legal information


This website is published by and is the property of:


With capital of 43,275,010 Euros.
Head office: Rue Emile Singla - Site de Bourran - 12000 RODEZ
R.C.S Rodez 431 899 756
Telephone: (0033) 05 65 73 41 00
Fax: (0033) 05 65 73 41 99

Intercommunity VAT number: FR 52 431 899 756

Hereinafter referred to as "RAGT Semences".

Publication manager: M. Laurent GUERREIRO

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SA with capital of 1.822.927, 45 Euros

RCS 353 861 909

Head office: Immeuble Le Pressensé

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Terms of Service



Users may only benefit from the services offered on the site subject to their accepting these terms and conditions.
As a user of the site, you acknowledge that you have read these terms and conditions and that you agree to abide by them.
You acknowledge that you have the competence and means to access and use the site.

The purpose of these terms and conditions is solely to fix the terms of use of this website.

Entry into force - Duration

These terms and conditions come into force on the date of their posting and will be effective as of the date of the first use of the site by the user.
These terms and conditions are binding for the duration of use of the site and until new terms and conditions replace them.
You may at any time stop using the services of the site but you remain responsible for any prior use.


RAGT Semences reserves the right to place links on its website giving access to web pages other than those of its site.
You are informed that the sites that you can access via the links do not belong to RAGT Semences.
RAGT Semences declines all responsibility for the content of the information provided on these sites via use of the link.
The placing of an incoming link to this website without the express prior authorization of RAGT is forbidden.
RAGT Semences cannot be held responsible for the access by users of the links on the site to other resources on the internet.

You are informed that during your visits to the site a cookie may be installed automatically on your browsing software.
Cookies store certain information which is stored in the memory of your hard disk.
Cookies do not contain any confidential information, but they keep track of the pages to which you have browsed.
You have the right to access, remove and modify your personal data communicated via cookies.
The settings of the browser software make it possible to view the presence of cookies and to deny them in the manner described at the following address:

Responsibility of the publisher
RAGT Semences cannot be held liable:
- for the quality of the service, the service being offered "as is";
- for disruption of the use of the site;
- for the impossibility of using the site;
- for infringements of computer security, which may cause damage to users' computer equipment and their data;
- for infringement of users' rights in general.
RAGT Semences makes every effort to provide you with available and verified information and/or tools but cannot be held responsible for any errors, lack of availability of information and/or presence of viruses, or for any punishable criminal infractions sanctions on the site.
The information provided by the publisher of the site does not exempt you from carrying out your own additional and personalized analysis.
The publisher of the site cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timely nature of the information disseminated on the site.
Accordingly, you agree to use this information under your exclusive responsibility.

Responsibility of the user
You hereby undertake to use the services of the site and any of the information to which you may have access for a purpose that is in conformity with public order, morality and the rights of third parties. You acknowledge that you have verified that the computer configuration you are using contains no viruses and is in perfect working order.
You agree not to disrupt the use that other users of the site may make and not to access parts of the site to which access is restricted. You agree not to commit any act that may affect the computer security of RAGT Semences or other users. Similarly, you agree not to interfere with or interrupt the normal operation of the site.
You shall not commit any act for commercial, political, publicity or commercial solicitation purposes, including unsolicited e-mail.
You may not collect, use, or otherwise process the personal data of other users.

Intellectual property
Elements belonging to RAGT Semences such as the website, trademarks, designs, models, images, texts, photos, logos, graphic charts, software, search engines, databases, without this list being exhaustive, are its exclusive property.
These terms and conditions do not imply any assignment of any kind of intellectual property rights to the elements belonging to RAGT Semences for the benefit of the user.
Any total or partial representation of the site by any company without the express authorization of the publisher of the site is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable according to the provisions in force.
The databases on the site are protected by the provisions of the Law of July 1st, 1998 regarding the Community Directive on intellectual property of March 11th, 1996 for the legal protection of databases.
The brands of the publisher of the site and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the site are trademarks (semi-figurative or not) and are registered.
Similarly brands and logos may belong to named companies such as "Partners" and are also protected.
As such, any total or partial reproduction of these brands or logos made from the elements on the site without the express authorization of the publisher of the site is therefore prohibited by the Code of intellectual property.

Information Technology and Liberties
In order to offer suitable services, RAGT Semences may have to ask for personal data.
Under each of the forms for collecting personal data, the compulsory or optional nature of this collected data will be mentioned.
The data collected on this site will be used by RAGT Semences, its subsidiaries and its parent company RAGT Semences. They are confidential and will be treated as such. They may not be transferred to third parties.

In accordance with the provisions of the law of January 6th, 1978 relating to data processing, files and amended freedoms, any automated processing of personal data carried out on the site will be subject to declaration(s) required by the National Commission on Information Technology and Civil Liberties (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés.)
You are informed that, in accordance with article 32 of the amended French Data Protection Act of  January 6th, 1978, the information you provide as a result of the forms on the site are necessary for answering your request and are intended for publisher of the site, responsible for processing, administrative and commercial management purposes.
In addition, you are informed that you have a right to interrogation, access, rectification and right to opposition for legitimate reason concerning the personal data concerning you by writing to the following address: RAGT Semences - Rue Emile Singla - Site de Bourran - 12000 RODEZ, with a copy of an identity document.
You are required to comply with the provisions of the amended law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6th, 1978, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties.
Notably, you must refrain, in terms of data of a personal character which you access, from any collection, any misuse and, in general, from any act likely to infringe on the privacy or reputation of people.

Law and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions are governed by French law. This will apply whether in regard to fundamental rules or to rules pertaining to form. Any dispute arising from the application of these terms and conditions shall fall within the competence of the courts of the registered head office of RAGT Semences.

If any provision of this legal notice is found to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, it would be considered as not forming part of these legal notices and would not affect the validity or the application of the other provisions.

Thank you for your interest in our website, the RAGT Semences team wishes you happy browsing.